2025 J24 Midwinter Championship
Sign up to receive daily high-resolution GRIB files of the ocean currents in Miami’s Biscayne Bay.
About Current Lab’s exclusive Biscayne Bay regional ocean forecast model:
150 meter horizontal resolution.
1 hour timesteps.
Includes tidal and wind-driven circulation.
Each day's file covers 48 hours starting at 0:00 UTC.
GRIB files will be uploaded on the mornings of March 20-23, 2025.
After purchasing, you will receive a link to a Google Drive folder where each day’s file will be available.
Sign up to receive daily high-resolution GRIB files of the ocean currents in Miami’s Biscayne Bay.
About Current Lab’s exclusive Biscayne Bay regional ocean forecast model:
150 meter horizontal resolution.
1 hour timesteps.
Includes tidal and wind-driven circulation.
Each day's file covers 48 hours starting at 0:00 UTC.
GRIB files will be uploaded on the mornings of March 20-23, 2025.
After purchasing, you will receive a link to a Google Drive folder where each day’s file will be available.
Sign up to receive daily high-resolution GRIB files of the ocean currents in Miami’s Biscayne Bay.
About Current Lab’s exclusive Biscayne Bay regional ocean forecast model:
150 meter horizontal resolution.
1 hour timesteps.
Includes tidal and wind-driven circulation.
Each day's file covers 48 hours starting at 0:00 UTC.
GRIB files will be uploaded on the mornings of March 20-23, 2025.
After purchasing, you will receive a link to a Google Drive folder where each day’s file will be available.